
Thursday, 24 April 2014

I sit and pine for wasted time

Over Easter weekend I took a trip back to The Wirral to catch up with my friends and family. We had some looovely weather (some of the time at least!) which made a bit of a crazy contrast to Easter weekend last year where I had a day trip out in the snow with my Mum and Dad. English weather, you're full of surprises.

We spent a lot of Good Friday travelling around about a zillion car show rooms as I've decided that after passing my driving test six years ago its probably about time I actually invested in a pair of wheels. After a few hours, my Dad decided we needed a stop off for lunch which I'm fairly certain was really to stop him from having a minor heart attack every time a salesman uttered the words "fancy a test drive?" to me. Having not driven properly since passing my test all those years ago, my Dad was clearly having vivid nightmares about me being trusted behind the wheel of a shiny test car (can't say I blame him... I can barely remember which pedal is which!). 

Anyway, we ended up in New Brighton for our little pit stop. Back when my Mum and Dad were young, New Brighton was a thriving seaside resort complete with an outdoor pool, but for most of my life I've known it as being a bit of a depressing, run down place that had lost all of its appeal and visitors. Over the last few years, they've really put a lot of effort into redeveloping the Prom and there were just people EVERYWHERE. Normally, I get a bit fed up if somewhere is absolutely chock a block with people, but actually this was a pretty lovely sight and it was great to see that the town is regaining some of the glory and atmosphere it had lost over the years.

 (Oh look, that Primark playsuit I keep rambling on about is making another appearance on here already!)

Did you manage to make the most of the sunshine over Easter weekend?


  1. sounds like you had a very lovely easter weekend:-) and the photos look lovely too! x

  2. Nothing like a nice trip to New Brighton ;) it's so weird seeing it actually busy again! On a less sunny day, try Cafe Cream - it does amazing ice cream but the queue is usually HUGE when the weather is nice xx

  3. That sounds like a lovely Easter weekend! My dad panicked when he took me to look at cars too- I think it's just a dad's prerogative to do so!

    Alice xx | The Cup and Saucer

  4. Sounds lovely. I couldn't believe that it didn't rain all weekend. Is there a particular car you have your eye on? And did you end up finding something?

  5. Pair of wheels? Ooh am I feeling a sick Yorkshire roadtrip with an even sicker playlist? Hellsye.
    (disclaimer - I have never used the term 'sick' just wanted to sound hipp'in and hopp'in' )

    Other Infinities

  6. :) hope you found some wheels & it'll all come flying back to you..if not you can always do a refresher course :) looks like you spent the day in a lovely place! :) xxx

  7. Oh New Brighton - I remember going there when I was younger (I grew up in Bolton) but my memories of it just involve a big indoor play area with huge slides! It's nicety see that some life has been put back into it :)
